MANIACS!; or how I came to understand the Gnome way of life.
Now that I have your attention. I love the Rule of Carnage, both the show( )and the idea that when uncertain, go with what will do the most damage. This pairs nicely with our idea of mischievous Gnomes battling in contraptions. So let that be our North Star, our guiding beacon, in everything we do let us first make sure we are destroying that which can be destroyed. Our other beacon to assure we don't get off track too far is the rules need to be easy and simple. I'd like to think that if such a ruleset could be hewned then all my friends and family who aren't as inclined to games as I am could quickly grasp them. Another thing is familiarity, if they recognize things in the game like a d6 or a standard deck of cards, then they may tend to be more open to it. So keeping these touchstones in mind will help not derail us from our ultimate goal of an easy to learn, tabletop game about Gnome induce...