
Showing posts with the label Shaman

Capt. Sparrow's Compass

CAPTAIN! Jack Sparrow had a compass that would lead him to what his heart most desired. I am afforded no such luxury, not that it would be of much use. Just like Capt. Sparrow, I am unsure what I desire, at least within the realm of Game Design ideas. Or moreover, I want them all. I want all the flittering thoughts to take root and bloom.  But alas, like the needed receipt on the car console, they have taken flight on the winds of chaos into the parking lot of despair, lost to time.  Anyway...So we need a heading. In which direction shall we find something that we can sink our metaphorical teeth into? I am one who generally starts with a concept of the setting or lore first. My interest piqued by something intriguing that I feel compelled to play out. To see the dance between the what if and the how to begin to unfurl. Sometimes the thread pulls right loose, and there is not much to it. You might find yourself creating slack somewhere else to give more room for the initial ide...

Once More Into the Ether!

 As many I'm sure, I've wanted my voice added to the cacophony of the Internet.  But what of value did I have to say?  I'm still unsure.  I will nonetheless head off in a direction.  This may lead to disaster or epiphany.  Either way the journey has begun, the gauntlet thrown, the challenge accepted.  The one sure thing is that it will in some way revolve around tabletop narrative gaming in whatever form I find under stone, within canopy, or listless at sea.  These things that entertain or intrigue me will get examination through my particular lens and obtuse tastes.  I will use machine learning algorithms to lay the stones or suggest the brush, but ALL direction is mine, and it is intended as a sieve to relieve myself of it's thoughts.  Perhaps there will be growth on this journey, that is yet to be seen.  But exploration will occur and the prodding could excite at the possibility of something uniquely playable actually hitting the...